HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! You have probably wished a hundred people a happy new year, right? We are big about these greetings and wishes but a new year doesn’t stay happy...
A DESTINATION CALLED MAGIC CAVE There’s an ancient story about a land where a magic cave existed. This cave opened up its entrance once every two years and allowed only...
BE KIND TO YOURSELF In a few weeks, the year 2023 will end with the usual end-of-year fanfare. Some people will travel from the cities to the countryside or out...
BUILDING FINANCIAL MUSCLES FOR 2024 Recently, someone asked me if taking time for due diligence when starting a business can be seen as a form of procrastination. We will review...
DREDGE THOSE STREAMS OF INCOME Many people have told me that they have tried starting businesses at the beginning of the year before and failed. They say that January is...
LET’S PREPARE FOR 2024 The next few articles are exclusive to those who planned to have multiple streams of income in 2023 but are somehow still managing their one inflow....
TOP BUSINESS CHALLENGES (2) Success is not an easy feat; most times the easier it looks on the surface, the more gruesome the labour that went into achieving it. It...
BIGGEST BUSINESS CHALLENGES I sent some of my researchers to ask 10 small-scale business entrepreneurs what they consider their biggest business challenges. Their target was entrepreneurs who had started and...
BRANDING: The Mark Example Mark is a young man in his early thirties. He is a fashion entrepreneur and a social influencer. For those of us who struggle with the...
HOW TO BOUNCE BACK FROM FAILURE About forty years ago in a remote part of the then Bendel State, a middle-aged man prepared a mini feast and called his relatives...