In the last upload, we discussed how important it is for business leaders and entrepreneurs to take charge of their online images and branding. We saw that projecting and managing a positive image is beneficial not just to the business but to the personal branding of the top executive. If about 80% of consumers and potential clients and partners will readily believe what they read online about a business and its management, then it is important for business leaders to be in control of the narrative that is out there; you should say who you are and what you stand for … take control of what people see and read about you.

Below are more tools necessary for handling your online image.

Keep Tabs on Your Digital Presence

What people are saying about you and your business is very important and to effectively manage your online image, you have to be upbeat about online mentions of your name and business. This information helps you to engage with your audience and quickly address issues as they arise. Do not slack. Years back, when the print and broadcast media were the only avenues for wide dissemination of information, most intentional organisations tackled this issue by keeping teams dedicated to scouring the media journals for mention of their organisations and management. Of course, now, information can fly out from anywhere making that chore arduous but thankfully there are online applications that can monitor any mention of your name and business. For instance, setting up Google alerts ensures that you receive real-time notifications whenever you or your business is mentioned online. This can help you respond quickly to both positive and negative content. There are also social listening tools that can track any such mention.

Make Good Use of Positive Reviews

Any positive mention is a testimonial that can build your reputation and shield you against future negative comments. Build on those glowing reviews to reinforce your brand’s strengths. When someone shares positive feedback about your business or leadership, engage with it. Thank the individual publicly, share the content on your website and social media platforms and reinforce the positive narrative. Potential clients and partners often rely on the experiences of others to take decisions. If your business has received awards or recognitions, make sure these accolades are visible online. This not only boosts credibility but also demonstrates industry leadership.

Handle Negative Reviews Professionally

A disgruntled staff of a reputable organisation once posted a very negative review on the Glassdoor app, describing the organisation as a toxic place to work in and the work hours and remuneration as a form of modern slavery. He was quite vicious in his comments. This information continued to circulate and gain visibility for almost a year because the organisation was not upbeat about monitoring its mentions and reviews. The truth is that no matter how well you manage your reputation, negative comments, reviews and articles will inevitably arise. The important thing is to have a professional approach to how you react. Here are a few tips to effectively manage and turnaround public reactions arising from negative online comments.

Firstly, don’t ignore the negative comments and reviews. Some people think that by ignoring it, everyone will forget; no, the internet never forgets. Somewhere that comment will be waiting to bite you. Take criticism seriously and be seen as addressing it. Secondly, do not be emotional in your reaction. Address the issue raised in a professional manner, acknowledging the concern and offering a solution where possible. For example, if a customer leaves a negative review, respond by expressing regret for their experience and invite them to further discuss the issue offline. This shows your commitment to customer service and also demonstrates transparency. Thirdly, if the review or comment has tarnished your image, do all you can to fix it. You can consult professional PR agencies if the magnitude is higher than what a simple explanation or apology can handle.

Have a Template for Crisis Management

The truth is that crisis can erupt any time and often without notice. A good leader has to always have a plan prepared to handle any crisis. This will minimise the damage to your reputation and enhance public perception of your leadership. Outline a clear action plan for potential crises. This should include protocols for communicating with the media, stakeholders and the public. Identify key members of your team who will handle communication during a crisis, ensuring that responses are consistent and timely. In the face of a crisis, transparency is critical. Be open about what happened, what your team is doing to resolve the issue and how you plan to prevent similar incidents in the future. Honesty fosters trust and reassures your audience that you are taking responsibility. In some cases, working with public relations professionals or legal teams may be necessary to handle more severe crises. They can help craft appropriate responses and guide you through the process of reputation recovery.

Embrace Emerging Technology in Managing Your Online Reputation

As business leaders, you should also be aware of how emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) can support your branding efforts. AI-powered platforms can assist in generating blog posts, press releases and social media updates to help shape your online narrative and build a stronger digital presence.

In conclusion, online reputation management is no longer a peripheral concern—it is a critical aspect of modern leadership. It is a process that requires attention and periodic review because new things keep emerging. As top executives and business leaders, you must be proactive in shaping your digital identities, engaging with your audiences and responding to challenges swiftly and professionally. That is how you not only protect your reputations but also reinforce the trust, credibility and influence that are essential to your success.

So long!


Fatherhood with Ibe


As soon as May picked my call and greeted me excitedly, I had a feeling of foreboding.

“I was just thinking of sending a message across to you, Sir.” She said. “I wanted to come and see you.”

“Really? That’s nice.” I responded. “I also want to see you; I have something really important to discuss with you.”

“Oh! Okay then. When should I see you?” She asked.

“Today, right now, if it’s possible. I am at home.”

She told me that fortunately she was living on the other side of Ikoyi and would try to be at my house in 30 minutes. I sent her name to the security personnel at the gate and told Tai to wait so that he would see her and talk with her at the same time. In a short while, I got a call that May had arrived and was driving into the compound. I stood up and went to usher her in. Two things struck me as I opened the door and saw her walking towards my porch: one was that she looked much prettier than how I remembered and secondly, if the car parked behind her was her own, she was doing very well financially. Somehow, these observations along with the happy tone in her voice earlier unsettled me; in view of the business at hand.

We greeted enthusiastically and I told her that she was looking great. She patted her dress and smiled enigmatically. We sat down in the sitting room, Tai could obviously hear us from the private parlour but I had told him to wait till I called him to come out.

“How have you been?” I asked. She smiled shyly.

“I am happy, I am so happy that it’s hard to remember why I was so sad and suicidal some months ago.”

“Suicidal?” I exclaimed.

“Yes, Prof. For a while, I thought my life was over, I felt empty and useless. It took me months to climb out of the pit that I had fallen into. But now, I am happy and grateful.” Again, she smiled enigmatically and rearranged the cape of her dress.

We talked a bit about the business she was into. It turned out that she had picked up on her interior design and decoration business, a hobby she had taken up when the need to start a family with Tai had made her decide to leave her job as an architect in a large civil engineering firm. She said that she decided to continue with that business because after her separation from Tai, she was in no shape to work for any corporate setup. The hobby is growing into a big business, she said, mentioning jobs she had done recently.

“That’s impressive,” I said feeling proud of her achievements. “I am glad that you have taken charge of your situation and that you have achieved so much. Psychologists would say that you have healed and that brings me to the reason I called you.”

She nodded.

“Yes, I am curious.”

“Have you heard from Tai lately?” I asked.

Her face darkened in a minute. I was almost going to apologise for bringing up the topic but she soon brightened up and said no. She told me that the last contact she had with Tai was when his lawyer wrote to ask her to drop the use of his name.

“He did that?” I asked. Tai hadn’t mentioned it.

“Yes, he did. I thank God though because the moment I reverted to my maiden name, it seemed as if the burden from the five years or so of our relationship lifted and good things started happening to me again. Tai is past tense for me….”

“Don’t say that.” I cut in. “You had a good thing going before the whole drama. If he comes repentant and willing to work on your relationship and treat you as priority….”

“Prof.! Stop, please. Tai is past tense and I mean it. If he turned into an angel with a halo and wings, good for him but that chapter is closed for me.”

I guess at this point, Tai, in his usual impulsive manner, could not hold it in any longer, he rushed out of the private parlour and came to kneel down in front of May. There was a blurry of movements, May jumped up, trying to escape the hand he wanted place on her leg, She upturned the side table on which the kitchen staff had just placed a glass of juice and some pastries. The juice splashed everywhere but thankfully, the glass did not shatter. May started apologising about the soiled floor, Tai kept apologising to her while his trousers soaked up some of the juice on the floor. It looked surreal and took almost five minutes for calm to be restored. May never sat down again.

She picked up her handbag and told me that she needed to leave.

“I will still call because I really do need to see you. I need to introduce someone to you and I hope that though I am not your mentee, you will accept both of us as your extended family and friends.”

“Don’t act rashly, May.” I cautioned. “Tai is truly repentant.”

“It is too late, Prof,” She said with a smile.  “It was too late from the day I left that marriage. Anyway, Kamsi and I are already married and I am pregnant with his baby.” She said, rubbing her tummy affectionately. Oh, that explained why her hand had been on her tummy area all the while.

Tai let out a wail that pierced my heart but obviously, there was nothing I could do but console him. He obviously had gone too far in his verbal abuse of May.