A Great Loss Indeed

I am shocked and deeply saddened by the news of the death of my good friend Chief Ken Gbagi.
No one saw this coming.

At 62 he was at his very prime and had just been recovering from the exhausting campaign programme of the last elections when he contested yet again for the position of Governor of Delta State under the SDP banner. Even in his loss, he was ebullient and effusive in his commitment to the course of a new dawn for Delta State. He haboured no anger and had no political enemies.

He was a consummate and successful entrepreneur and invested heavily in Delta State and Nigeria at large; creating employment and mentoring so many budding young entrepreneurs.

As a friend, he had so much compassion and was one of the most reliable friends who was readily available to me with much needed advice and guidance as I navigated my four years of public service as a minister of state at the federal level.

I will miss him.

Many of his friends who traverse the Nigerian geographical landscape would remember him warmly and miss his jocular and charming personality.

May his soul rest in peace and may God grant his family the strength to bear this sad loss.

Prof Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu LLB hons, LLM, SJD ( Harvard) DPhil, DBA,
Former Hon Minister of State, Petroleum