Total Tanzania Limited calls for expression of interest and submission of bids for the purchase of plots, depots and service station in various regions of the East African country.
The company says the complete set of tender documents shall be made available upon proof and receipt of payment of a non-refundable fee of TZS 300,000 (Three Thousand Tanzanian Shillings Only). Late, partial, incomplete or electronic bids shall not be accepted.
The tender document can be collected from Mondays – Fridays from 9 am – 5 pm at the Purchasing department of Total Tanzania Limited’s Head Office.
Total Tanzania is located at: TOTAL House, Plot Number 1720, Msasani Peninsula, Halle Selassie Road, Dar es Salaam.
The deadline for submission is on Thursday, October 1st 2020, by 3 pm.
The account numbers that payment can be made into are:
Bank: National Bank of Commerce
Name of account: Total Tanzania Limited
Branch: Corporate Branch
Swift Code: NLCBTZTX
Account Number: 011103020056
Bank: CRDB Bank PLC
Name of account: Total Tanzania Limited
Branch: Waterfront
Swift Code: CORUTZTZ
Account Number: 01J1094783100
Total is reportedly leaving Tanzania, hence the reason for its asset disposal. The exact reason for this is unknown but it is largely attributed to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the African continent’s oil and gas industry.
This doesn’t look good for Tanzania as the country is trying to contain the pandemic and trying to reduce the negative impact on its economy to its barest minimum. This will lead to countless direct and indirect job losses and may lead to a reduction of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in the country.